Is France the western version of taleban ?

Is France the western version of taleban ? 

Hello friends today i am here to talk about the ban of burkini in beach and the ban of any religious clothing or symbols in schools in France. 

How is this any different than demands for Muslims in Afghanistan by talebans, the only and major difference is that France is white western country. i know that must be very difficult to digest for white people the comparison to terrorist group but if you really think about it, it is not that different and let me explain how. 

Now firstly you are telling women what to wear and where, you can say its for the women own sake that you do what you do but in the end it is not the women choice is yours as it is in Afghanistan. By the ban of clothing you are making by force the girls and young woman to chose religion or education, is that really what you call equality because it sure doesn't sound that to me. 
The only thing you cause by these bans is women and girls ( mainly ) to stay in their homes or wipe out their believes and choice, those women who are believers will not achieve education or eventually leave their house and that is not right. 

This is not equality, this is not freedom and most importantly this is violating the rights of Muslim women in France, lets not go on that road because it leads to what the taleban is doing in Afghanistan to choice and voices of women. 


